Sunday, July 13, 2014

Did you miss lunch after the JRD meeting?

Did you miss lunch after the JRD meet.  Local rail fan hangout Wild Wings next to the Amtrak station is known for its food, beer and closeness to the tracks.  A real treat for those who came was the export locomotives that rolled by during lunch.

Courtesy of Philip Taylor

Working on the Buildings at the JRD HOW (Hands On Workshop) Event

The JRD held a clinic on Saturday July 12 to learn how to use both Vallejo and Dr Bragdon products to weather buildings.  Each method allows the modeler to improve the look of their building.  Bret Jones gave the clinic at the Rail Tales store in Charlottesville.

The picture below shows some of the products used at the Hands On Workshop (HOW)

Several JRD members brought buildings to have the chance to weather structures at the clinic and to ask questions while applying the products just demonstrated by Bret Jones of Rail Tales

Langdon Works on adding mortar lines to his building

Ken Montero wants to try a powder

Wayland asks some questions after the meeting

Chuck took home some new roofing material 

 Photos courtesy of Gerard Fitzgerald and Philip Taylor

Weathering Clinic Hands On Result

Below are two fine examples of details and roof lines brought out by the use of Dr Bragdon Weathering Powders

Gerard Fitzgerald's line side buildings tar paper roof is markedly more defined by the powders applied at the clinic.

This old Revell kit shows off its detail after receiving a powder treatment

Photos Courtesy of Gerard Fitzgerald

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Service Opportunity

Service Opportunity - From time to time we need to redistribute the load among the membership.  We currently are looking for the following:

Club Car Captain - You are responsible for the coffee and donuts served before each meeting.  Costs are reimbursed by the treasurer.

Librarian - This position keeps up with the exchange library for the chapter.  Bringing some items to each meet.

Let Philip know if you are interested 

Monday, July 7, 2014

Meeting this Saturday - Bring and Weather your Models

The meeting this Saturday will start at 10 AM.  Directions to Rail Tales

Directions to Rail Tales, 705C Dale Avenue, Charlottesville, Va 22903

Parking is in the rear of the building - follow the Directions

From the South, West and East

Take I-64 to Exit 120 and turn North on to 5th St/Ridge McIntire Rd
From the East this is a right turn
From the West and South this is a left turn
Go approximately 2.6 miles and turn left on Preston Ave
(This is the light just past the Staples and McDonalds on the left)
Take a right on Forest (2nd Traffic light with Bodo’s Bagels on Right)
Take next left on Dale Ave (Behind the Shell Station)
Cross the Norfolk Southern Track
Take immediate right on Albemarle St
Take immediate left into parking lot
Rail Tales is on the left about the mid-point of the building

From the North

Take US 29 South to US 250 in Charlottesville and go East
(This is right near Best Buy and just past KFC)
Go approximately 2 miles
Take a right on McIntire Road at Traffic Light
(It is in the middle of the construction)
Go 0.2 miles
Take slight right onto Harris St
Go 0.6 miles and take right on Dale Ave
Take immediate right on Albemarle St
Take immediate left into parking lot
Rail Tales is on the left about the mid-point of the building

Thursday, July 3, 2014

July meet just over a week away

Just a reminder that the July meet is just over a week away.  Come and learn how to use some of the newer materials to weather a building.  Bring a building and try your hand at weathering it.  Look forward to seeing your there.  Doors will open at 10 AM (this is an update).

Richard Hendrickson Passes Away

There are modelers and then there are influential modelers who by their knowledge and there abilities change the direction of the hobby.  Richard Hendrickson was an influential modeler.  He contributed to many areas of the hobby with his area being freight cars.  The list of articles and books is over a hundred.  His expertise in things Santa Fe is documented in the articles and books. An early participant in the RPM movement.  He was instrumental in pushing the hobby to more prototype fidelity in freight cars.  We wish to say thanks to Richard and give our condolences to his wife Sandra.

For a fuller remembrance of Richard Hendricksen see Tony Thompson's SP blog

Next Meeting Sept 21 in Charlottesville at Rail Tales

 Next Meeting Sept 21 - Charlottesville at Rail Tales **THIS IS A CHANGE OF OUR NORMAL WEEKEND** We are heading into the Fall and for the Ja...