Saturday, August 30, 2014

RMC and R&R acquired by White River Productions

White River Productions has announce that they have aquired RMC and R&R while fulfilling all remaining subscriptions based on number of remaining issues.  No word on the On30 and HOn3 Annuals.

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Thanks Uncle Russ!!

There is one more magazine that is worth mentioning as being another major loss to the hobby besides RMC.  A niche publication that started out as one publishing for the large scale market and eventually became Fine Scale Railroader.  This magazine eventually split into three different annuals as the number of issues were cut from six  to three a year.   The Narrow Gauge Annual, Modelers Annual, and the Logging, Mining & Industrial Annual were the three annuals.  Russ Reinberg is the driving force behind Westlake Publishing and the three magazines.  Russ is also known for his musical ability but that is another post.  Russ ended subscriptions to his magazines last year and announced that the Narrow Gauge Annual will end with recently released 2014 Annual.  When Russ ended the subscription I understood but it was with sadness that I read that he was quitting publishing the Narrow Gauge Annual.   The last issue (shown below) deals with branches of the DRGW 4th Division.   If you are not familiar with the magazine and you do narrow gauge or critters take a look at it and the sister publications.  The issues are available as downloads in PDF format from the publisher or at various hobby shops and used magazine vendors. 

Uncle Russ, Thanks!

New Magazines

The passing of RMC has many of us mourning its passing but even in the time of despair there is hope.  There is a glimmer of hope that a new owner will re-invigorate both RMC and R&R.  Even so, we see growth in the new media which gives hope to new ideas and new modelers while increasing access to information to all.  There are a few new magazines in the last 5 years and a number that have been around even longer.  The real casualty in the market place is the general hobby print magazine.  We are now down to 2 of them MR and MRH.  Each of the other magazines are specialty magazines that cater to niches in the hobby.

What new magazines?  (less than 10 years old)

S Scale Resource (just getting ready to publish its first issue)

O Scale Resource

Model Railroad Hobbyist

Trackside Model Railroading

On30 Annual

HOn3 Annual

Older Magazines Still Publishing

O Scale Trains

Model Railroad News

Great Model Railroads

Model Railroad Planning

S Gaugian

Narrow Gauge & Short Line Gazette

N Scale Railroading

N Scale Magazine

Model Railroader

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

An Excellent Good Bye to RMC

Our own Gerard Fitzgerald has written an excellent Good Bye to RMC on the Model Railroad Design blog about Railroad Model Craftsman including its history and context intertwined with personal reflections and reminisces including material about the V&O, the Editors Notebook by Tony Koester and an early visit to the offices of RMC in NJ.  Please take some time and read what is the best post I have read so far about the recent events involving RMC.

Good-bye to All That: Railroad Model Craftsman (1933-2014)

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Rick Lull to talk about NMRA National

Contest Model - Courtesy of Rick Lull
In case you have not heard your Assistant Division Superintendent Rick Lull will be talking about the NMRA National Convention in July. There is plenty of news as in the contest models, the operations layout, tours of home and club layouts and new products.  In addition, there is the NMRA net which has nothing to do with the web.  Hope to see you at the September 20th meet in Midlothian.

Friday, August 22, 2014

RMC news is a sad day

News and rumor are circulating about Carstens being up for sale.  Let us hope that a buyer is found and that publication of both RMC and R&R continue in the near future.  These two magazines have been worthy alternatives to the MR and Trains respectively.  For the memories, support and inspiration given by the Carstens, Paul Mallory, Tony Koester, Bill Schaumburg, Jim Boyd and the host of others who worked at and written for Carstens over the years let me say for myself and others in the JRD a heartfelt: Thanks!!

Link to Announcement on Carstens Facebook Page

Modeling the Civil War

Whether you are from North or South and wear Blue or Grey the Railroad was indispensable to both sides in the American Civil War. Modeling the ACW can be rewarding and dovetails nicely with the hobby of military miniatures for those who wish to have their hands in both fields.  Bernie Kempinski will touch on model railroading and the ACW at next months JRD meet.  Plan to be there and learn about something new to model.

Sunday, August 10, 2014

The JRD goes to War

The JRD or at least our model railroads will be challenged to go to War on September 20th by Bernie Kempinski as the second talk.  The development of modern warfare and railroads have an intertwined history from very early in the history of the railroading.  Bernie has a well known American Civil War layout which I can personally attest to as worthy of a quality that brings Museum to mind as description for the level of detail, but this is a very smooth running layout.  The American Civil War as recorded in history could never have come to pass without the railroad.  Troops could not be moved so quickly or supplied in such numbers without railroads.  Please take a look at Bernie's blog to gain an appreciation of Bernie's modeling.  Below is the cover of Bernie's new book due from Kalmbach early next year.

Friday, August 8, 2014

Expanding our Horizons

  In our hobby there is ongoing discussion of the future of the hobby and how we can expand it.  Trevor Marshall who has written many articles for various magazines and writes a blog worthy of following on a regular basis.  His most resent post (8/8/14) on expanding the hobby is worthy of time for some reflection.  He points out issues with explaining all the Model Railroad sub groups to those outside our hobby, the size of the plastic modeling world, and to that I could add the R/C plane folks and the various role playing games players.  We need to recruit not only among the parents with kids, but among those who already model but not just our way.
  Trevor does not mention one way that we can pull the plastic folks into our fold and that is by talking to them and examining techniques and methods the various military and plastic modelers use for making their models.  Most modelers are willing to share and maybe as we apply their methods and materials to our own models.  Perhaps they will then become interested in our models.  Let us reach out of our comfort zone and bring in some new friends and Model Railroaders.

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Shows this Weekend

There are three shows this weekend that will interests the members of the JRD.

Rail Day is this Saturday near Lynchburg.  Long an attraction to folks in the JRD it is annual outing for many of our members.  There are several modular layouts here each year and JRD area vendor TLC publishing usually has all there books available for those who need to fill in gaps in their library.

The 2nd show this weekend is the joint Greenberg and N Scale East Show in Chantilly, VA.  This is not in the JRD bur if your are an N Scaler this is probably your show this weekend if you are not already there earlier for the N Scale only part of the show.  There are several layouts and some vendors that usually are not a Greenberg show such as Kato and Digitrax.

The third show this weekend is the O Scale 2 Rail Meet in Strasburg, PA.  This is a little far for most folks in the JRD but O Scale guys are used to having to go to great lengths to find what they need.  This is a morning only show so be aware of that when planning your trip.

No matter which show draws you this weekend or if you just stay home to work on the layout just remember to have fun and give a little time to some one who asks a question about the hobby.

Next Meeting Sept 21 in Charlottesville at Rail Tales

 Next Meeting Sept 21 - Charlottesville at Rail Tales **THIS IS A CHANGE OF OUR NORMAL WEEKEND** We are heading into the Fall and for the Ja...