Sunday, September 29, 2013

MER Convention coming up

Two Weeks to the C & P Junction Convention. Hop aboard!

                On Columbus Day Weekend, October 10-13, the annual—and big--C & P Junction Convention gets underway. People regret most the things they don’t do. So make the call now and ensure that you’re not going to miss an outstanding event. This convention has three things going for it: substance, timing and location. Substance introduces you to some of the nation’s best clinicians, layouts, operations call boards and contests, capped with a Banquet and Auction. Timing gives you a long weekend to enjoy the convention and an extra day to savor Location: the attractions of Washington and Baltimore.  With 250 registrants from 15 states plus Canada we’ve added more operations layouts and a B&O Museum tour (both require advances registration), a hosted DC sightseeing excursion, and a manufacturer tour. So even if you’ve registered early, it’s not too late to add to your registration. And if your schedule is unsettled, walk in and register the day of the convention! C & P Junction, Crowne Plaza Hotel ( with a free shuttle to the Metro and other points. Visit our website: google C & P or For questions, email
Rooms available!
                The Crowne Plaza Hotel has notified us that it has been able to free up some double and King rooms previously reserved for another group.
Help Make the Convention Fun!
                In keeping with the tradition of ensuing quality door prizes, we are asking those who are planning to attend or support the Convention to donate new (or –as-new) engines, rolling stock, structures or other items of value to the Mid-Eastern Region. We’ll pick the very best donations for door prizes. Being a nonprofit organization, a tax deduction is appropriate for each donation. Donors of items should email Clint Hyde ( in advance of the Convention; when you give your donation to Clint in the Auction/White Elephant Room at the Convention, he will give you a receipt for tax purposes.
Call for Volunteers!
                With a nod to the U.S. Marines, C & P Junction, the coming MER Convention in Rockville, Maryland, over Columbus Day Weekend, October 10-13, 2013, is looking for a few good men—and women.  In past conventions, men and women have volunteered to help staff the registration desk, the Contest Room and the Company Store with its accompanying White Elephant Room.  Shifts would be four hours in length or less and only once per convention. Virtue will be your only reward, although a handsome certificate will attest to serving your Region. If you are interested, please contact Bill Day of Potomac Division, or 703/406-4112.

Marshall Abrams, Potomac Division, co-chairman

Kurt Thompson, Chesapeake Division, co-chairman

RPM Part 2

After a delay included below are some more pictures from the first RPM meet held in the JRD. Thank you to Gerard Fitzgerald for the following photos.

Norm Wolf

Norm Wolf

Mike Hart

Mike Hart

Making Trees

Thursday, September 19, 2013

The New Jersey Model Railroad Layout Design and Operations Event

The title for this 2 day event November 2nd & 3rd is a mouthful but so is the content of the two days.  Well known names are giving clinics in their areas of expertise.  The full clinic list still is being finalized as of this posting but should give additional food for thought to those who attended the RPM meet in VA last weekend. 

The event is an all day clinic on Saturday and layout tours on Sunday. The tours make the event worthwhile by themselves with many well know layouts.  Look at the list and if you don't know the list then you are truly missing out.  Cost for the 2 days is $10 and a list of local hotels is provided on the web site.  Registration is by mail at the moment.

The event is sponsored by the Garden State Division, NER, NMRA with an LDSIG tie-in.

Link to the website

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Mid Atlantic Prototype Modelers Meet Part 1

Friday the 13th and Saturday the 14th of September saw the inaugural Mid Atlantic Prototype Modelers  Meet being held in Stafford, VA.  This was the first RPM meet in Virginia and the first in the JRD.  Several JRD members were present and JRD member Gerry Fitzgerald was a presenter.  The Saturday presentations were all solid and a good report was heard about Bernie Kempinski's Civil War talk on Friday.

The venue had its challenges with a boat storage house being used as the clinic room.  There was plenty of space here and the weather was fantastic.  Here the closing clinic is giving and overview of using LED lighting in theory and practice.

Of course, there were more challenges than just the size.  The interruptions were the most unusual ever experienced at an RPM meet.

Yes, the loading and unloading of boats is probably a first for an RPM meet.

Of course, with every bad interruption there are good ones.

All photos are courtesy of Gerry Fitzgerald, text by Philip Taylor

End of part one

Next Meeting Sept 21 in Charlottesville at Rail Tales

 Next Meeting Sept 21 - Charlottesville at Rail Tales **THIS IS A CHANGE OF OUR NORMAL WEEKEND** We are heading into the Fall and for the Ja...