Thursday, July 18, 2013

NMRA Atlanta National: My First Three Days… pt 1

The last three days have been a whirlwind as I have… Driven from Charlottesville to Atlanta, given two clinics, attended five other clinics, helped assemble the Civil War Roadshow for display and guest operations, pitched in to assemble the rest of the displays brought by other members of the Civil War RR SIG for our SIG room, driven all around greater Atlanta on the Layout Design SIG home layout tour, drove to a local Michaels to buy supplies and glue, attended the LDSIG annual business meeting, caught up with old friends, made plenty of new friends, visited the NMRA contest room, made photocopies of my clinic handouts, not slept much, eaten too much pizza, and just had a great time.

This was originally going to be a Wordless Wednesday Blog post but if I just posted pictures with captions (and yes our blog page will get better) it might seem a tad under contextualized. To make a long story short…the Civil War Roadshow seems to be a big hit as people have been stopping by all day and night to see the layout, operate the layout, or just watch others operate the layout. This is in addition to all the NMRA convention attendees who have wandered over to the Civil War RR SIG room are looking at all the other models, equipment, artifacts, models, slide shows, videos and whatever else we have laying around the Civil War RR SIG room. We brought all of this wonderful stuff to Atlanta to entice those who have yet to be exposed to the wonders of mid 19th century model railroading that this not only educational, but lots of fun!

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