Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Bring and Brag Table or more than the contest

There is more reasons to bring models than just the contest.  Not everyone does this sessions tractor trailer with a custom load as part of their modeling but we all do models.  This is why we have a "Bring, Show and Share" table.  The table is for you to bring a model, show the model and share what you have done. Pick something off the shelf and bring it.  If you don't think the model is particularly great but would like to improve it then bring as an improvement project and ask for suggestions.  We can all pick up new techniques and tips along with getting to know each other better through our models. 

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Meeting This Saturday

Our next meting will be on July 13th in Farmville VA at the Historic Train Station.  Link To GOOGLE MAPS  I am looking forward to the panel ...