Thursday, April 10, 2014

Meeting in Lynchburg

The JRD had a small but interested crowd in Lynchburg for a meeting.  Landon gave a clinic on how to add water quickly and very inexpensively to a layout for use with a moveable barge.

After the Clinic elections were held for the July 2014 to June 2016 term
with the following elected to serve:

Superintendent - Philip Taylor
Asst Superintendent - Rick Lull
Clerk - Don Wells
Paymaster - Jerry Ritter

Next scheduled meeting is September 20th


  1. Very exciting to see new leadership in the division. Let's get behind these fine folks and help them make the division a huge success.

  2. Congratulations to the new James River Division officers (who take over in July) and many thanks to those who served the division faithfully in the current administration.


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Meeting This Saturday

Our next meting will be on July 13th in Farmville VA at the Historic Train Station.  Link To GOOGLE MAPS  I am looking forward to the panel ...