Thursday, July 5, 2018

Passing of Chuck Hladik - Updated

It is with profound sadness that I have to announce the unexpected passing of Chuck Hladik early on the 4th of July 2018.  Chuck was a valued member and friend of the James River Division and model railroaders in general.  Though Chuck could have a gruff exterior he was always willing to help.  He has served as a JRD Division officer and as AP Chair along with positions with the MER.  When the JRD leadership wanted to hold a hands on clinic and we needed a clinician Chuck volunteered to do his clinic on making trees.  I still have mine from that day and I will think about Chuck everytime I look at it.  Chuck took an early train and we wish to express the condolences of the JRD and members to Chucks family and wish him green lights on his journey.

Details for the July 17th memorial service in Lynchburg  can be found here

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