Friday, October 16, 2020

Meeting Virtually

 We have now had one division meet virtually and several bull sessions using Zoom as out platform.  I am quite encouraged by the response.  Though it does not substitute for in person interaction it does allow us to keep up with each other and continue to grow relationships.  I hope to keep up the every other week sessions until the current restrictions lift and all feel safe to venture out.  Even after this point I hope you will give feedback whether we should continue these online sessions and with what frequency.  

On a personal note I want to say thank you for all the feedback on options for the floor plan of my anticipated new basement.  Lots of good ideas from years of experience by fellow members will hopefully prevent mistakes and increase enjoyment  

We still need a clinician for the next meeting in November along with a home tour.  Both items could be prerecorded with time for questions and answers.  If you are interested in filling either role please let me know

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